Cyber & Technology Talent - Delivered

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For Talent - "Stop Searching and Be Found."®

Focus on your job, not job hunting! connects you with top organizations and recruiters that are ready to hire. Don't work with one recruiter, work with the entire hiring industry.

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For Recruiters - Find the perfect talent in just a few clicks

Hire smarter, not harder. Our AI-powered platform matches you with vetted cybersecurity & technology professionals beyond just resumes.

Searches are always free!

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How It Works

Step 1

Sign up & setup profile/search

Step 2

Get Matched

Step 3

Get Hired/Find your talent!

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Why Choose

For Talent

Find your dream job effortlessly. Be discovered by Fortune 500 companies and startups alike.

  • Stop Searching & Be Found - Engage with a wide variety of top-tier recruiters and companies actively seeking serious candidates for key and confidential roles - all from one site.
  • Personalized Matching - Our platform uses advanced AI & machine learning algorithms direct recruiters to you based on your skills and preferences!
  • Career Advancement - Access metrics and trends to help you understand how to advance your career in cyber security.
  • Transparent & Discrete Process - Experience a clear and straightforward recruitment process that allows you to focus your effort on your job, not job hunting!
  • NO APPLYING TO MULTIPLE JOBS - We are not a job board. We are an automated AI recruiting platform that matches companies and recruiters with you. Our platform uses advanced algorithms and AI to connect your skills and preferences with the companies and recruiters that are looking for you!
  • We don't sell your data like other job sites! - Other platforms are simply job posting sites that scrape your data to be re-sold to insurance companies, credit card companies and others. Crazy - but true! By using those platforms you freely give away your confidential information so those platforms can sell it. That's how they survive as a business - We pride ourselves to be ethical and get paid when you when you succeed on the platform by being paid by recruiters and companies when you get placed.
Join as Talent
For Recruiters

Access top talent instantly. Save time and reduce hiring costs.

  • Faster Matches - Cyber talent that is motivated to upgrade their career.
  • Quality Matches - Our platform and AI is constantly learning after every search and match. That means you'll always get great matches based upon industry trends.
  • Removes unconscious bias - We use quantitative metrics with easy to read graphics to quickly find the right talent. This removes unconscious bias from your recruitment process.
  • Apples to Apples Comparison How can you easily determine which candidate is best from another? Our QUANTITATIVE data and visual graphics EASILY let you see who you should pursue WITHOUT any unconscious bias.
  • Industry Trends & Statistics - Access platform metrics and statistics to help identify key trends and updates with stakeholders.
  • Discrete - Shortlist candidates and perform virtual interviews anonymously with without disclosing your organization. Use AI to help find the right questions to ask!
  • Stop Advertising your cyber gaps - Stop advertising your cyber security gaps with traditional job postings or recruiting. Quickly and discretely find the talent you need on your own terms!
  • Extremely cost effective! - Our highest placement rate is no more than 12% in total because we have better efficiency in matching and time saving productivity. PLUS any searches you purchase will be deducted from your total fee!
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What Our Users Say

"Finally I have recruiters talking to me about REAL opportunities aligned with my skills and goals with the compensation I want!"

- Cybersecurity Professional
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"Game changer! saved us significant time and money by connecting us with the perfect candidate right away without having to review hundreds of resumes."

- Hiring Manager
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Simple, Transparent Pricing

Our Mission

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At, our mission is to revolutionize the way cyber recruiting is done. We are committed to creating the next-generation AI platform that removes unconscious bias and delivers better, faster, and more precise matches between cyber talent and organizations at a more affordable price.

Join us on our journey to redefine cyber recruiting and help build a more secure digital future. 2025 All rights reserved.